Self – Love Retreat.
The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.
Do you have any time to LOVE?

To love is to be in the “Now”. Being in now and here is not an easy thing. Some attitude is necessary: the attitude to accept and appreciate. If you are not now and here, how can you love? It is all about bringing your true presence to the here and now. When we are engaged with the past and future, where is the time to be in the present?

We must reflect upon our way of living because our happiness and lives are within our choice. If we were to know what true love is, we would do whatever is necessary in a context. When we accept, acknowledge and appreciate our true presence in the present, it is the precious present we can give to the one whom we love.

Sign up now to explore and experience our Leadership Retreat.

Inspiring Self - Love Retreat

Relax, Renew and Rejuvenate on the lap of Himachal

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

Retreat Experience is more than 97.00 %.

Research-based retreat resources.

A definite value creation for your investment.

Completely customised retreat activities.

Completely interactive and semi-structured.

Pre and post-retreat

This Self – Love retreat is created with utmost love and care, coming to you from the stable of Ananda Yoga from Anugraha Foundation. These retreats are completely interactive, semi-structured, and designed to help participants reinvent their understanding of “Love”. Loaded with reflective exercises, working with clarification instruments and learning tools. You will be learning to create a Self-Love Journal and accomplish your love. Working with us would help you to redefine your understanding of love and reinvent the new “YOU”.

What do you love about your life right now?
What does unconditional love mean to you?
What does unconditional self-love mean to you?

Experiment – Explore – Encounter

Join our leadership retreats …. Challenge your abilities …. Discover your true home!

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

  • Completely researched multilayer content worth INR 54,000/--.
  • Eight semi-structured workshops worth INR 81,000/--
  • Pre-retreat learning and assessment worth INR 27.000/--
  • Post-retreat mentoring for three months’ worth INR 63,000/--
  • Value clarification tools and instruments worth INR 36,000/--

Interacting and learning from the retreat mentor is a precious experience that can’t be valued.

  • Small retreat group for better learning.
  • Post-retreat learning group.
  • From basecamp to basecamp 24 x 07 assistance.
  • Travelling in our certified vehicles.
  • A certified retreat leader will be personally available during the retreat period.
  • You will be staying in our certified retreat property.
  • Completely hygienic vegetarian food.
  • You will explore and learn about local food, culture, places and people.
  • Our support staff are certified to create a healthy experience for you.

When you register for this retreat, all the above-listed things are free for you!

Have any questions?

Talk to us on WhatsApp

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

What are you most grateful for in your life?

This transformative retreat creates the perfect environment to break through and discover your freedom. Identify the limitations blocking you from showing up fully for your true self, living your dreams, and fulfilling your deepest calling.

  • Learning about the mind and how thoughts and emotions can work for self-growth.
  • It is understanding the power of choice.
  • Redefine your relationship.
  • Lead a life of awareness with a perpetually growing well-being, abundance and a deep sense of meaningfulness.
  • Redefining your understanding of love.
  • Break Free from all deep-rooted patterns and beliefs.
  • Discovering freedom from fear, insecurities and limitations.
  • ​Eliminate Stress, Anxiety, Self-Doubts, Fears and Tensions.

Join our retreats …. Challenge your abilities …. Discover your true home!

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

Do you want to solve your problems or grow over them?

Our approach is very simple yet powerful in supporting ourselves and others. The retreat can provide healing for self-victimisation, fault-finding, emotional immaturity, and a few physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual issues. With appropriate practices, one can overcome Depression, Anxiety, Stress, Phobias, Grief, Lack of self-love, Chronic illness, Fear, Doubt, Insecurities, Relationships, challenges, Career challenges, Guilt, Self – Blame, Regret, Shame, Loneliness, Low Self Confidence, Attachment, Inner Child issue, Holding lots of unclarified images and much more.

We work with all age groups, and it doesn’t matter what challenges you are facing; you will find few solutions. In this area, post-retreat support miraculously works. The key to any support we provide with powerful transformations and understanding is that you have to be open-minded and willing to change. Our mentoring solutions can help you move beyond your limitations and lead happy, meaningful lives.

Join our retreats …. Challenge your abilities …. Discover your true home!

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

This Self-Love retreat is completely focused on,

  • Understanding and discovering complete freedom.
  • Deep breathing and taking a walk will help one to feel less anxious by distracting, but it doesn’t solve the core of anxiety.
  • Guiding you to come out of a judgemental attitude and neutralising prejudices.
  • It empowers you to make decisions and take charge of your life, providing clarity.
  • Taking a step ahead to self-growth.
  • To Enable the participant to lead a happy and meaningful life.

It is a unique retreat that includes discovering higher well-being through powerful activities and tools, meditation, intense, intensive Self-introspection to learn yogic practices and various other complementary aspects. The curriculum does not just teach a few expected things but makes you come face to face with realities. You will progress toward blossoming into your ultimate possibilities.

Choose your dates … Choose your destinations …. We customise your holidays to create ...
inspiring moments.

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

What People Say about our Retreat?

Our retreat packages could create a 97.80% healthy customer experience since June 2022.

Choose your dates … Choose your destinations …. We customise your holidays to create ...
inspiring moments.

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

This Leadership Retreat happens at Tirthan Valley.

Kasauli - Himachal’s Inspiring Destination for Self-Enquiry.
Let us create a better world.

Kasauli, a charming hill station nestled in the Solan district of Himachal Pradesh, is a serene retreat known for its colonial-era architecture and lush landscapes. Established as a cantonment by the British in 1842, Kasauli sits at approximately 1,900 meters, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding hills and valleys. It is an inspiring destination for photoshoots and meditation. The town is famous for its tranquil ambience, with attractions like the Monkey Point, which provides panoramic views of the Sutlej River, falls and the distant Chandigarh plains. Visitors can also stroll along the Mall Road, explore the historic Christ Church, or ride on the heritage Kalka-Shimla toy train. With its moderate climate and rich cultural heritage, Kasauli is a perfect destination for those seeking peace and natural beauty. It is the ideal destination to discover your self – love.

Have you ever visited Kasauli, or is it on your travel list?

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

Few questions … often asked …


Do you have any basecamp?
Yes, we operate from Chandigarh as our base camp. We take care of your travel, stay and food from Chandigarh to Chandigarh.

What is the use of participating in the customised retreat?
Participating in a customized retreat can save you time and resources. We customise your destinations, stay, routes, food, and other things so that you can save your resources.

When are the Inspiring Himachala Retreats happening?
Inspiring Himachala retreat will happen all twelve months, even during winters.

When is this leadership retreat happening?
Our leadership retreat is always available at different destinations on customer demand.

More Questions...

Join our retreats …. Challenge your abilities …. Discover your true home!

The Art of Acceptance.
My Journey to Myself.

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