Context-specific contents are meaningful instruments in creating a healthy customer experience.
We come with a simple solution to all your content needs in any form in one place.

Content is not content unless it creates a healthy experience before buying, while buying and after buying for a customer. How good your content looks for you is not important, how inspiring it is in empowering a customer to make a choice in your favour is the point. The right content will establish seamless connectivity, engagement, and the right information and makes a customer act. Content may be a copy, video, picture, photo or audio clip or even music. Content with the right value can serve a brand in creating lifelong consumer value.

Sensitive …. Learning …. Participative …. Agile ….

Values beyond content

Purpose-based contents

Context-specific content

Content that creates a brand

content approach

Content that creates

Content that drives
business results

We create all-season content with a flavour to suit every context

Understanding your philosophy – Clarifying the content for your philosophy – Creating appropriate content – Monitoring the content performance

Inspiring Content Experience

We create content that communicates with your customer, engages your customer and creates a healthy experience.
Content is a bridge that connects you with your customers.
Inspiring Philosophy | Inspiring Media | Inspiring Content ...
inspiring moments.


The Path to Lasting Value

Brands seek to connect and create a healthy customer experience. And most brands rely heavily on advertising thinking they can realise this goal. But there has never been a brand that has bonded deeply with consumers by just advertising. Only an ad campaign alone has never done the really hard work to create that experience. There are those inspiring campaigns that strike a deep chord with people, but in general, it’s the content (Copy, colour, graphics, lines, numbers, images…) that makes the magic.

  • Understand the project requirements and needs.
  • Research Goals / Beneficiaries / Define the audience.
  • Research Methods / Resources
  • Conducting research / Analyse research
  • Feasibility study
  • Content creation

Surely there’s a better way to create value in content creation.
A healthy customer experience is created when the customer chooses to value the content. It not only engages the audience but delivers value. Creating the right content for a context is a meaningful way to build the brand legacy. It’s time to start creating purposeful content through customers’ lenses.

  • It’s about creating content with purpose.
  • How would you feel if you could make your content more meaningful?
  • How would you feel, if you could create the right content with a purpose; with the understanding of how to engage customers across multiple customer touchpoints?

In simplest terms, purposeful content means taking one asset - like a video for instance - and using it in multiple places and in multiple ways. Content works best when we create content with a purpose in mind. This helps us more easily correct and re-correct it and rework it in different formats. While creating purposeful content one has to keep in mind that the content is capable of engaging its users.

What is Content Creation?

Content is what keeps us all informed. It is the soul of every name and form. It helps to guide our choices and decisions. With respect to a product and service, it helps or is the main reason for the creation of a healthy customer experience. Content helps you attract and acquire customers, keep them informed, and support efforts to promote the brand and increase trustworthiness in a competitive market. The process of content creation is mainly based on the context; generating ideas, creating written or visual content, and then distributing it to the target audience through appropriate channels available.

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  • A Context-Specific – Fact Based – Well Engaging.
  • A well-groomed context works in creating a healthy customer experience.
  • Improved customer relationships.
  • High brand performance.
  • Predictable and strong financial performance.

Join our journey to create a healthy content experience.

It’s like when a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound – if you don’t create content, will people know you exist? Content creation communicates with your customers attracts people to your business channels, and helps improve customer engagement as part of retention efforts. It is the soul of a Healthy Customer Experience.

Well-groomed content will improve your brand reputation. People appreciate interacting with the businesses they cherish, and by doing so, you can create value and brand trust that is long-term.

With inspiring moments, you will receive...

Our guiding principles.

  • Meaningful content ensures keeping the audience engaged.
  • Purposeful content maintains a consistent approach.
  • There are a variety of ways to create content that doesn’t require a significant monetary investment.
  • A context-specific content can see a better return on the investment than we may have expected.
  • Create a persona for your business: Some of the most successful brands have the right persona that have a defined personality they are trying to convey.
  • Content is more than just words or visuals – it’s about tone and connecting with consumers.
  • Contents alone can support efforts to build a loyal customer base.
  • Without content, the world would be empty.
  • Content is the message your customers would experience.
  • We focus on mapping content to our personas.
  • We understand where they are in the customers’ journey.
  • We keep the content educational, not promotional.
  • We spend as much time on content promotion as we did while grooming a piece of content.
  • We maximize the shelf life of our content.

  • When we get all the components of content right, the business grows.
  • A well-nurtured content would make a profound impact on every area of business.
  • The life you want to create is fuelled by the content you use in your business.
  • We create content with a strong focus on customer experience.
  • The right content is more valuable than having a great product or service.

  • The content we create would have an unwavering focus on intimately understanding customers’ pain, fear, hopes, insecurities and desires.
  • The content is the ultimate vehicle for creating the life you have always dreamed of.
  • Content creation is no longer a nice to have. It’s a must-have.
  • We are prepared to experiment. We are prepared to fail. We are learning from those failings.
  • Content is the attraction. It’s what captures eyeballs, ears, attention, and engagement.
  • Your customers have chosen the moment—all you have to do is be ready to listen.
  • Your content won’t connect with customers (or prospects) if you don’t know who they are.
  • People don’t remember facts, figures, numbers, or statistics. But they recall and spread stories.
  • You don’t have to be a star to create successful, engaging, content. You don’t even have to have the budget to hire one. However, your content is driven by values.
  • Rather than just selling, our content is sharing knowledge, expertise, and how-to.
  • Before creating content, what do your customers need to do, find, know, learn, or understand.
  • We prefer to create visual content.

Inspiring content experience …

Creating a healthy customer experience is a great way for your potential customers to get to know you and a great way for your existing customers to receive updates. It is also a great way for your brand to reach customers.

In fact, the benefits of offering customised content creation are a great tool for:

  • Identifying customers.
  • Classifying your customers.
  • Collecting leads and driving sales.
  • Building a relationship with your customers.
  • Developing your brand as an authority.
  • Building trust between your brand and customers.
  • Increasing the perceived value of your brand.
  • Gaining customer loyalty.

Content will help customers with a direct call to action (CTA) that either directs users to read another blog, click on a video link or sign up to an event. The goal with a content-based approach is to increase the points of contact with the brand. For example, customers may land on the video "How to reach the Spiti Valley" and may be redirected at the end of the post to a mini workshop on the topic or an eBook in detailed.

Depending on the context, content may or may not be art. It may or may not be a commodity. But it most definitely is a tool and should be thought of that way. In every context content is a value creation tool.

Creating a context specific content is both simple and complex. Literally, it’s the words, pictures, videos or sounds that customer experiences when they come to your platform. The harder one doesn’t so much describe content, but the opportunity it affords, which is a more difficult to speak to so succinctly, but necessary to cover. The content opportunity for marketers begins at a very important intersection where a person’s desire for specific knowledge, insight and experiences meets a brand’s ability to serve them up.

When the content is rendered through expertise, voice, format, function and genuine authority, all of which make content valuable. You have probably heard brands, agencies and media companies talk about content and noticed some differences between those who create it and those who procure it. The former views content as art. The latter as a commodity. The former believes they are creating something of lasting aesthetic value. The latter believes they are buying words in bulk, much the same way that a company buys paperclips. Both points of view are sort of right, and sort of wrong. More to the point, they’re both missing the point.

Digital content can be art or commodity, but it’s better thought of as a tool to create value. And this tool’s primary purpose is to create value for the consumer and the brand through a conversion of some sort, be that from uninterested to interested, from unregistered to registered, from no purchase to purchase, from difficulties to challenge. As such, with the right approach regarding performance, the digital content tool can, like most tools, be calibrated, refined and optimized to create more value for both the consumer and the brand – in a context.

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Why choose inspiring moments?

Converting customer expectations into the customer experience.

Understanding customers – Organising resources – Creating a healthy experience – Acquiring and retaining customers.

  • We use your understanding of customer pain points, concerns, interests and curiosities to guide you to create value.
  • We look for potential intersections and seek to provide customers a value beyond product offering.
  • We learn from customer choices what content is most valuable and optimize toward creating yet more value, time over time.
  • We turn that intersection of customer needs and your offering into a virtuous, harmonious circle of mutual appreciation.
  • We set the terms of value without falling subject to those dictated by publishers and media networks with different measurements of success.
  • We focus on creating a unique experience for the user, not on replicating (poorly done) ones the customer can get elsewhere.
  • We remember that content creation and evaluation is a process that can always be improved.
  • We target consistency, and don’t get side tracked by virality.

That is what they all say!
Here's what people have told us about their experience.


  • If you are not sure of your content.
  • If you are not sure of aligning your content with the media channel.
  • If you are unsure of text copy, words, colours, images, visuals etc…
  • If customers aren’t inspired and engaged by your content.
  • If your conversion rate is very low.
  • If you want to activate customer choice.
  • If you do not know how to relate quality and quantity when it comes to content and this relationship may serve as a guiding principle when establishing your content model.
  • If you would like to have value proposition for your content model.
  • If you want to develop strong audiences and deep engagement by focusing on one above the other, though ignoring either one is problematic.
  • If you are afraid to start small.
  • If you do not know how to produce as much content every day as it demands, while maintaining high standards of quality and consistency.
  • If you want to grow from engagement over traffic volume.
  • If you want to make your brand content more valuable to the audience and the audience engagement becomes more valuable to the brand.

Customised Promotion – Customised Acquisition – Customised Experiences


Explore the healthy content experience!

  • Daily regimens for healthy content practices you can do any time.
  • Join an inclusive community of fellow members at every level.
  • Exclusive access to the upcoming retreats, workshops, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups and events.
  • Free subscription to “inspiring moment” newsletters.
  • Unlimited access to premium content on
  • iOS and Android access to the upcoming “inspiring moments” app
  • Lifetime access to our Anugraha Living Values and Aarsha Anugraha programs.
  • As a bonus, you would get a workbook that would help in transforming the way you have been thinking and performing. Feel free to register with your mail Id.
More content is better, provided that the content gets consumed and shared.
A lot of content does not necessarily mean better engagement.
Regularity of publishing is more important than quantity – it’s better to publish one piece every day than to upload 500 new pieces of content every other month.
There are no hard rules as it relates to content volume. There is no formula that states X-number of pieces of content published every day = Y conversion rate.
Every content strategy has to conform to the realities of budget, platform limitations and customer experience.

Few questions … often asked …


How to analyse the success of a content?
The definition of a successful content varies greatly depending on the target audience and HCX objectives. However, some common ways we must follow that we adopt for judging the performance of a piece of content are, Search engine results, Traffic and repeat traffic, Engagement, Call to action and much more.

What are the essential components of a content?
There are many aspects to a good content. Few are, Meaningful and engaging contents, that makes the customer think. Content that takes customer attention without any disengagement. Create only that customer values and useful to customer life. Be original and well-researched. Integrating elements like the structure, headlines, tone, visuals etc…

What is content strategy?
Content strategy is the planning for and creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content. that, in turn, helps you reach business goals. The role of a content strategist is to be an advocate, both for the content and its audience. She needs to align communication channels to ensure the content is prioritized.

What is content?
It is something that conveys meaningful information to a person. Content can be presented as text or graphics or images or video or audio anything that communicates or transfers meaningful information to a person, emphasis on meaningful information. To know what content is, we need to know what meaningful information is and how this relates to content strategy. information is meaningful when it enables the transfer of an idea beyond the words or imagery itself.

Is there any difference between content creation and advertisement?
This difference is pretty simple. Advertising is trying to sell to customers something directly, with a call-to-action attached, whereas content marketing is trying to help customers, answer questions, and develop brand loyalty as a means of generating revenue.



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We value your money, time and resources; do not waste them. Make the maximum out of it by customising your content to create a healthy customer experience.

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