A lead will convert only if your promotion is value-creating!
Customers are ready and waiting to support your product. A good presentation will always be relevant. The right promotion will always make customers stay committed and loyal.

Your understanding of creating a healthy digital experience makes all the difference in customer relations. When a customer reaches out to you, you are qualified, well informed and ready to do business with him. They are ready to buy your products and services only if you are a value creator.

We do not believe in our customers; we know our customers; we put in the right effort to know and understand them and their expectations. We acquire appropriate data and process them to convert it into a healthy experience. The competitive landscape for businesses across-the-board is continually changing. Marketing the product or service digitally is the most measurable marketing channel ever created, meaning that online

Right reach … Right engagement …. Right conversion

Values beyond Digital Performance

marketers who want to stay competitive must learn to work with data and online feedback daily. Mastering a Performance platform can be like learning a foreign language at first. Still, once we’ve aligned our analysis with our marketing activities and objectives, we will see our business and customers in a completely different light. Our goal is to help you succeed in that journey without adding to the problem of data overload or drowning you in technical jargon. We want to see every customer gain confidence and credibility as an analyst and have fun in the process of creating a healthy customer experience.

Cost Per Click (CPC)

Cost Per Impression (CPM)

Cost Per Sale (CPS)

Cost Per Lead (CPL)

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Click Through Rate (CTR)

We create value by committing to a healthy customer experience… actually we create it!

Be promoted – Be connected – Be engaged

Inspiring Digital Experience

The value of our communication is aligned with the value of your communication!
Let us use digital channels to create a healthy customer experience.
Inspiring Contents | Inspiring Channels | Inspiring Engagements ...
Inspiring moments.


Do you want more leads and performance?

We are Inspiring Moments, determined to make your business perform. You deserve it the most.

  • Goal-based performance - Where you set a specific goal for the promotion – such as a certain number of leads generated, or sales made.
  • Action-based performance - Where you pay for a specific action to be taken by the customer – such as a clickthrough, purchase, or sign-up.
  • We work with you to attract new customers through methods such as paid search, banner ads, or social media advertising.
  • We work with you to encourage existing customers to interact more with the brand. This might be through methods such as email marketing or social media marketing.
  • We work with you to get existing leads to purchase more through methods such as affiliate marketing or retargeting.
  • Can quickly evaluate key metrics to measure campaign success. You can optimize the strategy based on tangible results.
  • If you know how to interpret the data, can use the results to decide where to focus your marketing efforts and investments.
  • Can directly evaluate your business performance, especially if you review the data regularly and leverage the results to adjust your campaigns.
  • Availability of multiple channels to promote your services or product.
  • Definite performance-based marketing.
  • In our module, there’s a less financial risk with performance guaranteed.
  • You can make decisions based on accurate data, which improves your chances of running successful promotions. You won’t waste money on a failing campaign, you can boost your ROI over time.

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When you monitor your performance, you can identify opportunities and challenges in the promotion.

Once you know what works, you can test out similar promotions to drive multiX growth. Just as crucially, you can often turn a non-performing promotion around before it dies.

We know our objectives. We know exactly what we must do to get performance paid for our customers, so we are more likely to meet your expectations.

You benefit from our clear, transparent performance terms. Unless you get the desired results, you don’t spend anything.

We offer performance-based marketing that has some great plus points. However, just like any other marketing strategy, there are a few downsides, too.

You might forget your priorities, but we never.

We work for the right results. If you’re too focused on short-term goals, like more impressions or ad clicks, it’s easy to lose sight of your overarching business goals.

We work to get some quick ROI by running promotions effectively. However, it might not translate into long-term business profitability, therefore we stay focused on our larger goals.

Join our brand journey initiative to create a healthy brand experience. The brand philosophy is a continuing responsibility, it requires a fundamental shift in how you think and perform as a brand. A visionary organisation will develop a brand that thrives and grow over time.

With inspiring moments, you will receive...

Our guiding principles.

  • Customer education
  • Make customers experience the process of solving their pain points.
  • Empowering customers to make better buying decisions.
  • Keep communicating with customers.
  • Understand and empathise with their point of view.
  • Position your product or solution as the obvious choice.
  • Make customers an irresistible offer.
  • Skilfully move your customers up the ladder.
  • Reach out to customers before they even know they should have your product.
  • Right understanding and organising resources.
  • Right channels for right value creation.
  • A customer journey from confusion, uninterested to a loyal customer.
  • To use HDX as a universal term, amidst growing channels.
  • With HDX advertisers only pay when specific actions occur. For example, when a viewer clicks through to their page or makes a purchase – Totally transparent.
  • Product promotion through multiple channels.

  • HDX is ideal for people who are looking to reach their audience at scale because payment is based on how users interact with the content.
  • You only pay service providers after their business objectives have been met or when specific actions have been taken, such as a click, sale, or lead. In other words, it is a performance-based promotion.
  • HDX works when advertisers connect with the service provider to design and place advertisements for their product on any number of channels.
  • You pay for an advertisement based on how well your ad performs, by measuring the number of clicks, impressions, shares, or sales.
You promote your product or service on a given channel and then pay based on how that ad performs. There are a few different ways to pay when it comes to HDX.

  • Cost Per Click (CPC)
  • Cost Per Impression (CPM)
  • Cost Per Sale (CPS)
  • Cost Per Lead (CPL)
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Inspiring Channels

With the future of digital experience looking more promising each year, using HDX channels can help you scale your effort to earn customer loyalty efforts to meet the greater goals. HDX channels are creative and effective way to diversify your audience and expand your reach, all while capturing valuable data. And the benefits don’t stop there. When you embrace the full functionality of HDX, from native and affiliate advertising to sponsored social media content, you’ll find it's easier than ever to grow your business performance.

What channels work best when it comes to HDX?

  • Banner (Display) Ads.
  • Native Advertising.
  • Content Marketing. 
  • Social Media. 
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM).
  • Complete Digital Marketing Solutions
  • Website Development
  • Website Management
  • Web pages, Sales pages, Lead pages, Landing pages, Webinar pages, Book pages, Blog pages, and Customised pages
  • Google ads
  • YouTube Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • PPC Marketing
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Native advertising
  • Influencer marketing
  • Marketing Automation
  • Mobile marketing
  • Any Other Context Specific Channels
  • Paid and Organic advertisement

How it works?

Performance-based promotion is a method of digital advertising where the advertiser pays for specific actions taken by users, such as clicking on an ad, making a purchase, or signing up for a service. This differs from traditional advertising, such as display advertising, where the advertiser pays for ad impressions regardless of whether the user takes action. Marketers often use performance-based advertising to drive more measurable results and optimize their advertising spend.

Define Performance Goals: We determine the specific performance goals that want to achieve through the promotion, such as increasing website traffic, generating leads, or making sales.

Target Audience: We identify the target audience we want to reach with the ad promotion, including demographic information, interests, and location.

Choose Advertising Channels: We select the digital promotional channels we want to use to reach the target audiences, such as search engines, social media, or websites.

Create Ad Content: We create the ad content, including text, images, or videos. The ad should be designed to effectively communicate the message and encourage users to take the desired action.

Set Bid and Budget: We set a bid for each desired action and a budget for the entire ad promotion. The bid is the amount we are willing to pay for each desired action, and the budget is the total amount of money the advertiser is willing to spend on the ad promotion.

Launch Campaign: We launch the ad promotion and display the ads to the target audience through the chosen promotional channels.

Track Performance: We track the ad promotion performance and analyse the results to determine its effectiveness. This may include monitoring the number of clicks, conversions, and overall ROI.

Optimize Campaign: Based on the results, we may adjust the ad campaign to improve performance, such as changing the ad content, targeting, or bid and budget.

These steps provide a general overview of the performance marketing promotion process, and the specifics may vary depending on the advertising platform or network used.

Banner Image

Why choose inspiring moments?

Converting customer expectations into the customer experience.

Understanding customers – Organising resources – Creating a healthy experience – Acquiring and retaining customers.

  • Completely researched and study-based approach.
  • Understanding what is right for a customer, customer product, the channel etc.
  • Clarifying the purpose and philosophy of Healthy Digital Experience (HDX).
  • Understanding customer persona.
  • Media planning.
  • Organising digital assets and resources.
  • Selection of media channels on merit based.
  • Minimum channel switchover time.
  • Continuous evaluation of assets for value creating abilities.
  • Continuous performance improvement.
  • Ability to reach defined customers.
  • To identify potential customers.
  • To bring back unsatisfied customers.
  • Target audience and segmentation—Each ad platform offers ways for you to target your audience in the form of audience segments.
  • The modern advertising landscape calls upon programmatic capabilities that factor in the amount you’ve agreed to pay to show your ad in a specific place and time, to your chosen target audience.
  • Trust is the biggest issue people have with advertising of any kind. As such, ad performance is factored. If your ad doesn’t work—that is, it earns low-quality ratings—the network will reduce its exposure.
  • The economics of performance marketing is based on consumers taking action. When the required action doesn’t take place the network doesn’t get paid. So, your ad gets displayed more when it works.
  • Value-based healthy digital experience approach.
  • Determine a specific purpose and define essential metrics to gauge progress.
  • Promoting content with the potential to inspire action.
  • Launch preparation involves selecting content, (Copy, Video, Audio etc) audience filters and budget parameters.
  • Fine-tune promotion performance by analysing the data, identifying the publishers driving the best results, and adjusting your budget accordingly.
  • Review how campaign performance compares to your original purpose and look for ways to make it even more efficient with granular variables like time of day, site, and device type. Consider how content discovery might support additional efforts throughout the marketing funnel.

That is what they all say!
Here's what people have told us about their experience.


  • If you are looking for more quality leads.
  • If you want to spend less cost per click.
  • If you are looking for high rate of conversion.
  • If you are looking to reach more appropriate customers.
  • If you are looking for low cost of customer acquisition.
  • If you want to grow multiX together with your customers.
  • If you would like to have a digital presence for your brand.

Customised Promotion – Customised Acquisition – Customised Experiences


Explore the healthy digital experience!

  • Continuous leads and continuous conversion.
  • Join an inclusive community of fellow members at every level.
  • Exclusive access to the upcoming retreats, workshops, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups and events.
  • Free subscription to “inspiring moment” newsletters.
  • Unlimited access to premium content on www.anugraha.in.
  • iOS and Android access to the upcoming “inspiring moments” app
  • Lifetime access to our Anugraha Living Values and Aarsha Anugraha programs.
  • As a bonus, you get a workbook that would help in transforming the way you have been thinking and performing.
Digital promotion is an investment, it can give back 9X.
The ability to create content and promote that create HCX is by far the most lethal money-making skill you could ever hope to acquire.
The best landing page builder.
Are you leading a survival business or growing business?
Do you have a plan to reach INR 100 crore annual turnover?
80% of business fail within first five years. Another 15 to 16% will fail in next five years.
More than 20% of business will never take off.
Only few businesses grow and profitable.
Product never fails, people fail, therefore business fails.
A successful business is built by a team of people with expertise in creating HCX.

Few questions … often asked …


What is healthy digital experience?
Healthy Digital Experience – HDX is a marketing purpose driven by creating healthy customer experience. It is suitable for brands that aim to reach their audience at scale as payments are made to marketing service providers once the business objectives have been met, such as a click, sale, or lead.

Is it a fad?
HDX is true, and it isn't a fad. It is an incredibly valuable industry for business. It can be that an advertiser charges you fees based on performance and only invests the amount into remarketing and brand bidding.

What are the benefits of HDX?
With HDX channels, you can scale your advertising efforts and meet the company's requirements with a pocket-friendly approach. It is an effective way to diversify your audience. You can expand your reach and capture valuable data while adopting a trackable and manageable plan.

What is the role of HDX?
HDX serves as a strategy in online marketing that plays a major role in customer acquisition and customer retention. It triggers measurable user reactions or transactions, helping businesses flourish.

Should I implement a HDX initiative?
If you are in the initial stages of a business venture, performance marketing plan implementation helps you reach out to your target audience more quickly. It will help you build brand awareness through affiliates and increase traffic to your site. Moreover, creating HDX is transparent and measurable. You can view the complete click-to-consume path of every buyer and estimate which channels produce better results. Most importantly, there is no prepayment. Thus, there is a lower risk involved. 

What is the difference between performance marketing (HDX) and digital marketing?
Performance marketing is a type of digital marketing wherein you make a payment only when a certain outcome occurs. Digital marketing is a broad term encompassing various strategies, payment models, and channels. 

Can I create HDX myself, or should I hire outside resources?
Any company can carry out creation of HDX independently, as long as they have the in-house marketing team size, budget, expertise, and bandwidth to do so. If not, it would be best to hire trustworthy outside resources. 

What is the difference between creating HDX and brand marketing?
Creating HDX is a definite customer communication program in which advertisers pay marketing companies after the completion of a specific action, such as sales or lead. On the other hand, brand marketing concentrates on marketing practices that help build and enhance positive consumer perceptions of the brand while engaging consumers.

What are the types of advertising available in HDX?
The four main types of advertising are display, search engine, social media, and performance based.

What is the significance of creating an HDX?
Creating an HDX allows advertisers to measure results and determine return on investment, leading to more efficient use of advertising budget. Advertisers can target specific audiences and track the success of campaigns, enabling refined targeting and better use of resources. This results in lower advertising costs, higher ROI, and improved marketing effectiveness. It also shifts focus from ad impressions to user actions, leading to more meaningful and relevant advertising experiences for consumers.

What is performance in digital advertising?
Performance in digital advertising refers to the results and outcomes achieved from an advertising campaign. This includes metrics such as click-through rates, conversions, sales, and return on investment. Performance is a key focus of performance-based advertising, where advertisers pay for specific actions taken by users, such as clicking on an ad or making a purchase, rather than for ad impressions or clicks. Measuring and optimizing performance helps advertisers make informed decisions about their advertising campaigns and allocate resources effectively.



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