People do not remember what you said, people do not remember what you did, but people will always remember the experiences that you created for them.
Are you ready to take your project to next level – the higher orbit?

We work with you to take your business to its audience in the most engaging and inspiring way through perfectly defined visual content. From basic copy to inspiring visuals, we amaze you in everything!

Visuals are the perfect means to communicate a message or idea to create a healthy customer experience. Photos and Videos are the best platforms to communicate with customers. The main objective of these visuals is not only to grab attention, but the visuals are powerful enough to gain interest and make customers excited to know more about the brand’s advantages. We make your content perform and create a healthy experience.

In the competitive customer place, there are several ways to stand out from the noise and draw attention to your content in an organic way. And visual storytelling is the best of them.

Creating products and services that tell stories to create a healthy experience!

Values beyond Visual


Completely customised

Story for the

Script and

Photo and Video shoot/post-processing

Promoting through appropriate channels

We create a well-clarified visual story and integrate your brand communication

Understanding your philosophy – Visualising your philosophy – Characterising your philosophy – Filling with colours and shapes

Inspiring Visual Storytelling Experience

Let us Create a Story Together - Let us discover the brand value in the story – Let us place it in the minds of customers – Let us create an inspiring experience that is remembered and cherished.
Inspiring Story | Inspiring Visuals | Inspiring Storytelling ...
inspiring moments.

  • Visual storytelling is defined as the use of images, videos, infographics, presentations, and other visuals on appropriate media platforms to craft a story around key brand values.
  • Maximum information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed in the brain 60,000 times faster than text.
  • More than 40% of people respond better to visual information than to plain text.
  • Our studies have shown that the average attention span is somewhere between 2.8 and 8 seconds.
  • Visual networks grew in recent years.
  • 94% more total views on average are attracted by content containing compelling images than content without images.
  • 67% of consumers consider clear, detailed images to be very important and to carry even more weight than product information, full description, and customer ratings.
  • Posting plenty of visual content is a sure way of boosting engagement: more than 76% of content that was shared had a photo attached, and more than 18% had a video as part of the message.
  • More than 60% of respondents to a survey reported using video in their content marketing.
  • More than a 35% increase in engagement is experienced when Facebook posts include photographs.
  • More than a 15% increase in page views is seen when press releases contain a photograph or a video.
  • Page views climb more than 45% when both photographs and videos are included.

We tell your story across your audience’s preferred channels, in the most impactful way, maximising reach and engagement.

Have any questions?

Talk to us on WhatsApp
  • More than 45% of people say a website’s design is the number one criterion for discerning the credibility of the company.
  • Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 15% more than those who don’t.
  • Posts with videos attract three times more inbound links than plain text posts attract.
  • Viewers spend 100% more time on pages with videos.
  • Viewers are 85% more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video.
  • Images are becoming ever more central to our lives: of all the photos ever taken by humankind, 10% have been taken in the last 12 months.
  • Articles with images get 94% more total views.
  • Including a photo and a video in a press release increases views by over 45%.
  • More than 60% of consumers are more likely to consider or contact a business when an image shows up in local search results.
  • In an e-commerce site, 67% of consumers say the quality of a product image is “very important” in selecting and purchasing a product.
  • In an online store, customers think that the quality of a product’s image is more important than product-specific information (63%), a long description (54%), and ratings and reviews (53%).
  • A study showed that using video on landing pages can increase conversion by 80%.

Join our visual storytelling journey initiative to create a healthy customer experience. The brand story is a continuing responsibility. A visionary organisation will develop a story that thrives and grow over time.

With inspiring moments, you will receive...

Our guiding principles.

  • Meaningful content ensures keeping the audience engaged.
  • Purposeful content maintains a consistent approach.
  • There are a variety of ways to create content that doesn’t require a significant monetary investment.
  • A context-specific content can see a better return on the investment than we may have expected.
  • Create a persona for your business: Some of the most successful brands have the right persona that have a defined personality they are trying to convey.
  • Content is more than just words or visuals – it’s about tone and connecting with consumers.
  • Contents alone can support efforts to build a loyal customer base.
  • Without content, the world would be empty.
  • Content is the message your customers would experience.
  • We focus on mapping content to our personas.
  • We understand where they are in the customers’ journey.
  • We keep the content educational, not promotional.
  • We spend as much time on content promotion as we did while grooming a piece of content.
  • We maximize the shelf life of our content.

  • When we get all the components of content right, the business grows.
  • A well-nurtured content would make a profound impact on every area of business.
  • The life you want to create is fuelled by the content you use in your business.
  • We create content with a strong focus on customer experience.
  • The right content is more valuable than having a great product or service.

  • The content we create would have an unwavering focus on intimately understanding customers’ pain, fear, hopes, insecurities and desires.
  • The content is the ultimate vehicle for creating the life you have always dreamed of.
  • Content creation is no longer a nice to have. It’s a must-have.
  • We are prepared to experiment. We are prepared to fail. We are learning from those failings.
  • Content is the attraction. It’s what captures eyeballs, ears, attention, and engagement.
  • Your customers have chosen the moment—all you have to do is be ready to listen.
  • Your content won’t connect with customers (or prospects) if you don’t know who they are.
  • People don’t remember facts, figures, numbers, or statistics. But they recall and spread stories.
  • You don’t have to be a star to create successful, engaging, content. You don’t even have to have the budget to hire one. However, your content is driven by values.
  • Rather than just selling, our content is sharing knowledge, expertise, and how-to.
  • Before creating content, what do your customers need to do, find, know, learn, or understand.
  • We prefer to create visual content.

Inspiring visual storytelling experience …

Understand and Design – Organise and Customise – Usefulness – Characterisation – Storytelling - Share worthiness - Real-time amplification – Healthy experience.

From images to videos, infographics, and presentations, the popularity and unprecedented usage of visuals have resulted in a social media era that rewards creativity. A picture may still be worth a thousand words, but memes, quotes, cartoons, and animated GIFs can breathe new life and context into a photo’s storytelling capabilities. Even videos, which continue to delight, entertain, and inform, are evolving with customers’ attention spans, whether it’s 6 seconds or 15 seconds on Instagram. Infographics have risen as a valuable tool to communicate the results of research studies. Presentations cater to the vast majority of visual learners and are proven to captivate attention when delving deeper into a given topic.

That’s the power of visuals; they make you think.

With the ability to captivate, inspire, delight, or humour, there are numerous reasons why more and more photos are uploaded and shared every day on average - a number that is projected to double in the next year. The prevalence of smartphones, coupled with the ease of sharing via social media, has resulted in a culture in which photos are celebrated and in some cases, required. If something really cool or crazy happens to you and it wasn’t captured in a photo, your friends may not believe it’s true. In line with consumer photography trends, savvy companies understand that there’s more than one way to add a storytelling element to their social media channels through imagery. From traditional images to user-generated content, collages, images with text overlays, memes, and more, there’s much creative potential for companies to tap into. Types of visuals used for visual Storytelling – Photography, Graphs and drawings, User-generated images, Collages, Images with text overlays: captions, quotes, and stats, Word photos, Memes, Videos, Postcards and e-cards.

  • Storytelling assets.
  • Photography.
  • Graphs and Drawings.
  • User-Generated Images.
  • Photo Collages.
  • Images with Text Overlays: Captions, Quotes, and Stats.
  • Postcards and E-cards.
  • Word Photos.
  • Memes.
  • Cartoons.
  • GIFs.
  • Infographics.
  • Videos.
  • Presentations.
Banner Image

Why choose inspiring moments?

The average adult attention span has been shown to be somewhere between 2.8 and 8 seconds; Visuals need to carry the message across quickly and effectively. The people in your audience don’t want to be broadcasted to: they want to be part of a conversation - and to feel like you’re listening.

  • We tell stories through your images and tag everyone involved or interested.
  • We follow people whose posts and images you can share to inspire others.
  • We believe curating your own list of people to follow is very, very important.
  • We provide constant inspiration and ideas to circle up people who give us ideas, make us happy, and make us think.
  • We host Hangouts and share them on YouTube.
  • We share your YouTube videos to get cross-pollination between the two sites.
  • We tell stories by sharing visuals of behind-the-scenes activity at your organisation.
  • We tell stories of customers and how your product has improved their lives.
  • We create captions to make the images stand on their own.
  • Regularly point back to your website to let customers find out more.
  • We seamlessly convert stories into inspiring visuals.
  • We shoot visuals to tell an inspiring story.

That is what they all say!
Here's what people have told us about their experience.


  • If you are looking for an organisational profile.
  • If you are looking for a product shoot.
  • If you are looking for visual communication.
  • If you are looking for creative advertisement assets.
  • If you are looking for a creative food shoot.
  • If you are looking to communicate your core values through a short film.
  • If you are looking to communicate your brand value.
  • If you are looking for an effective instrument to create a healthy customer experience.

Customised story – Customised script – Customised experiences


Explore the healthy storytelling experience!

  • Daily regimens for healthy visual story practices you can do any time.
  • Join an inclusive community of fellow members at every level.
  • Exclusive access to the upcoming retreats, workshops, WhatsApp groups, Facebook groups and events.
  • Free subscription to “inspiring moment” newsletters.
  • Unlimited access to premium content on
  • iOS and Android access to the upcoming “inspiring moments” app
  • Lifetime access to our Anugraha Living Values and Aarsha Anugraha programs.
  • As a retreat bonus, you get a workbook that would help in transforming the way you have been thinking and performing.
  • Knowing where you want to go and focusing your energy on that outcome.
Visual storytelling is a story told primarily through the use of visual media.
The story may be told using photography, illustration, or video, and can be enhanced with graphics, music, voice and other audio.
The main objective behind the story is to inspire a customer to act.
We learn that there is still a great deal of ambiguity about what is visual storytelling and why it’s important to create a healthy customer experience.

Few questions … often asked …

Customers do not care about your products or services. They easily connect with your story with a purpose and meaning.

What are the Do’s and Don’ts of Visual storytelling?

  • Start by crafting an interesting story that will appeal to your audience.
  • Choose your visual media according to the needs of your narrative.
  • Incorporate basic storytelling techniques.
  • Grab people’s attention right off the bat with dynamic imagery.
  • Engage your customers.
  • Support your visual narrative with text and audio to add context wherever needed.
  • Keep your message clear and simple.
  • Measure the performance of visual media with relevant KPIs like social shares, backlinks and site metrics.
  • Chase viral memes.
  • Shoehorn a narrative into a specific visual idea.
  • Prioritize style over substance and content.
  • Repackage the same story across every visual media format and channel.
  • Go overboard on imagery and wind up confusing or distracting your target audience.
  • Remove audio and text just for the sake of having a 100% visual story.

What is Visual Storytelling?
A visual narrative or visual storytelling is a story told primarily through the use of visual media. The story may be told using still photography, illustration, or video, and can be enhanced with graphics, music, voice and other audio.

Why visual storytelling?
Why should one care about visual storytelling? A visual story can easily engage a customer for a longer time. It can communicate what words could not communicate. Customers today demand meaningful stories by real people – stories about their problems not about the products’ speed and feeds in order to meet marketers’ growth targets.

What is the definition of visual storytelling in the context of a healthy customer experience?
Visual Storytelling is an instrument that leverages compelling narratives, placing your customer at the heart of the story, staged with an emotional visual media experience and effectively distributed across the customer journey – in order to empower customers’ lives and drive business results.

What are the visual storytelling components?
Understanding the context.
Story-making in alignment with the context.
Story visualisation
Script creation.
Assimilating story events.
Evaluating the story.
Story improvement.

What elements should visual storytelling include?
Inspire customers to keep consuming the story.
Engage customers in the first eight seconds.
Share knowledge so the viewer is better educated on the topic.
Ensure that even the seemingly small and discrete aspects – the movement of objects, the page’s dynamic adaptation – provide a good experience. Customers need small interactions that make them feel in control to be more vested in the entire experience.
Make sure you are clear on what you want the customer to do after consuming the story.
Then work backwards to design the visual storytelling to achieve it.



Join our visual storytelling experience …. Challenge your understanding …. Discover the meaning!

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Customise your visual storytelling before the offer disappears.

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Make the maximum out of it by customising your stories with us.

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