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Privacy Policy

Shrusti Creative Foundation, hereinafter referred to as “inspiring moments”, “we”, “us” or “our” understands and respects the importance of the privacy of its users, hereinafter referred to as “You” or “Your”. This Privacy Policy sets out the basis on which any personal data we collect from You, or that You provide us via the website https://www.inspiringmoments.in hereinafter referred to as “the website”, will be processed by us. Confidentiality of information provided by You will be maintained. We, including our subsidiary organisations, maintain the confidentiality of the information provided by You will be maintained.

This Privacy Policy applies to any person/s who book/purchase/intend to purchase/enquire about any product(s) and/or service(s) made available by us through our website and offices, including corporate office, branch offices and preferred sales partners. By making a booking /purchase or submitting Your data via the website or any offices, You agree to the transfer, storing or processing of such information. If You do not agree to our use of Your data, we cannot accept Your booking, and You should not use the services provided by our physical offices and website.

You may be asked for personal information including but not limited to name, address, email address, telephone number, date of birth, credit/debit card number (in encrypted form) with the expiration date, banking details, Aadhar Details, PAN Details, Visa related Documents (photographs, Bank Details, Business/Company Details, etc.), Passport Details (passport number, issue date, expiry date), mobile number, Professional Qualifications/details, etc., anytime while making a booking/purchase via the website or any other customer touch points. We may keep a record of Your email or other correspondence. If You call us by telephone, we may monitor and/or record phone conversations for training and customer service reasons. We may collect details of Your computer and visits to this Site (including, but not limited to, traffic data, location data, IP address, operating system and browser type) for system administration purposes and to report aggregate information to our advertisers. This is statistical data about our users' browsing actions and patterns and does not identify anyone.

In some cases, we may also need to collect more sensitive personal data, such as information regarding Your medical conditions, disabilities and special requirements, along with medical Certificates supporting the same. This information is allowed to be stored by You and is collected to arrange for the services You are requesting, and this Information is presented to You at the time of making a booking/purchase so that the process of bookings /purchase is completed expeditiously. This information may also be used internally for research, analysis and auditing. Cookies and other information may be used to optimise the viewing experience, troubleshoot any problems and serve better content.

The predominant purpose in collecting, storing, transferring or sharing the information is to: Communicate with You regarding bookings/purchases; Send booking confirmations; Keep You updated regarding transaction status; Send purchase-related information daily; Send verification/alert message(s) or email(s); Notify and update the changes in bookings; Resolve complaints and disputes; Allow our customer service department to contact You; Detecting and prevent fraudulent or criminal activity; Carry out our obligations arising in connection with any contracts entered into between You and us, or between You and a third party supplier; Ensure that content from the website is presented most effectively for You.

Our site uses cookies to distinguish You from other users. Cookies are small pieces of information stored by Your browser on Your device's hard drive when You visit the website. Most Web browsers automatically accept cookies. You can control and delete how and whether Your browser will accept cookies by changing the options on Your web browser or using specific software programs but disabling them may affect the functionality of this website. Once You access the website, You consent to our use of cookies. Some of these cookies are essential to make the website user-friendly and work correctly, to allow You to make Your booking/purchases, and to enable us to serve You better and more efficiently. Other types of cookies help us to provide You with a good experience when You browse our Site and also allow us to improve our Site or the way we provide our service to customers. No Personal Information is collected during this process. The information collected during this process is anonymous and does not link online actions to You.

We may record anonymous, non-personal information (not including Your name, address, email address or telephone number) about Your visits to this and other websites to measure advertising effectiveness. We may also collect non-personal information about Your visit to our website based on Your browsing (click stream) activities. For example, this information may include browsed pages and products and services viewed or booked. None of this information is passed to any third party and is used solely by us to provide You with a better user experience on the Website.

To manage and develop our offers and to provide You with better products and services tailored to Your interests and needs, we may also use cookies to display any advertisement to You while You are on the Website or to send You offers via e-mails focusing mainly on services which may be of Your interest. Third-party advertising companies may also employ technology that is used to measure the effectiveness of the advertisements. All such information is anonymous. This anonymous information is collected through the use of a pixel tag, which is an industry-standard technology and is used by all major websites. They may use this anonymous information about Your visits to the Website to provide advertisements about goods and services of potential interest to You.

Some information that You should have about Cookies: Certain features on the website are only available through the use of cookies.
Cookies allow You to log in without having to type Your login name each time (only Your password is needed) and identify the User and maintain their signed-in status.
Most cookies are "session cookies," meaning they are automatically deleted from the User’s hard drive at the end of a session. “Persistent cookies” remain in place across multiple visits to our websites.

You are free to decline the cookies if your browser permits, although doing so may interfere with the use of the website.

We may use Cookies to: Measure the entry and exit points of visitors to the Site and the respective number of visitors to various pages and sections of the Site, and details of searches performed.
Measure the usage of advertising banners and another click-through from the Site.
Understand and analyse trends, administer the site, learn about user behaviour, and gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.
We may use this information in our marketing and advertising services.
Pixel tags enable us to send email messages in formats customers can read, telling us whether the mail has been opened. We may use this information to reduce or eliminate messages sent to customers.

You may be offered automatic links to other internet websites at various points relevant to a particular aspect of this website. These third-party website owners may use combined information about Your visits to our Site and other sites to provide advertisements about related goods and services that may interest you. Please note that we do not share any of Your Personal Information with these third-party website owners unless You give us permission in writing. These third-party website owners may seek to use cookies and pixel tags to track Session Data about the ads You have seen and the types of things in which You appear interested. This does not indicate that we are necessarily associated with these other websites.

Clicking on one of these automatic links, You are no longer on our website. We take no responsibility whatsoever for these other websites or any information. Please check the Terms and Conditions and review the privacy policies before You submit any personal data to these other websites, as we do not accept any responsibility or liability for their policies.

To improve service efficiency, Your personal information may be shared with our Holding Company, Subsidiary Company, associate Companies, Subsidiary of our Holding company, or an entity which controls, is controlled by or is under common control. Such information will be shared under controlled and secure circumstances. In case of a merger or sale or re-structuring or if we sell/ transfer/assign the business or part thereof to any of our group companies, then any of the Customer’s personal information will be transferred to the appropriate party.

We may share Your personal information with our Service Providers, such as Hotels, Airlines, Destination Management Companies, Transport Service Providers or any other suppliers involved in fulfilling Your booking/purchase. Please note that while making a booking/purchase with us, You authorise us to share Your information with the said service providers/suppliers. However, You are advised to go through the privacy policies of the respective service provider/supplier whose services You choose to avail as how the said service providers/suppliers use the information shared with them is beyond our purview. We may share Your personal information with our Business Partners like Banks, Insurance Companies, International SIM Card providers, Visa Consulates, etc.

We may disclose Your personal information if and when required by law. The information will be disclosed when it is necessary to comply with a court order, any ongoing judicial proceeding or other legal process served on us or to exercise the legal rights or defend against legal claims in bona fide circumstances. We may also disclose the information if the disclosure is reasonably necessary.

We may use the information generated from an enquiry or a booking/purchase made by You on this website to contact You by telephonic means and/or by electronic means (e-mail) with information and offers relating to the products about which You enquired. At any given point in time, You can ask us not to process Your data for marketing purposes by sending a request to unsubscribe from the e-mail address mentioned herein after: shrusticf@gmail.com.

We will send You information and offers to email relating to products offered by us if You have signed up (opt-in) to receive such info. We will not pass Your contact details to any third party other than our group companies for marketing purposes unless You have expressly agreed that we may do so.

We frequently provide sponsorships as a promotional activity and opportunities for you to win great travel-related prizes. Personal Information collected by us for such activities may include contact information and survey questions. We use Your personal information to notify the contest winners. As a part of our marketing policy, You may receive promotional emails, newsletters, exclusive promotions offering special deals, new product launches, etc.

We highly appreciate the opinions, suggestions and feedback you give. To collect and gather opinions from You, online surveys are conducted by us. All the surveys are anonymous unless otherwise stated. Participation in these surveys is optional, but it is advisable to participate and give Your opinions, as they will be considered and used to make improvements not only to the Website but also to improve products and services provided to You.

You also give us your consent to use your photographs captured during retreats, programs and events to be published on the website, and social media for marketing and advertising purpose.

Information transmitted via the Internet is never completely secure, and we cannot guarantee the security of Your transmitted data; therefore, any transmission done via the Internet is at Your own risk. The website has stringent security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information, and appropriate security measures and certifications are in place to protect Your data. We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Technology to encrypt all the information transmitted by You. All information You provide to us is stored on our secure servers. While no system is fool-proof, including ours, we will do our best to ensure Your data remains safe with us. In no circumstance will Inspiring Moments be held responsible for any loss of Your personal information due to malicious attempts of unlawful interception of Your data or private communications by a third party. By browsing the website or making a booking/purchase, You agree with such limitation and exposure.

Certain parts of the website are accessible only after You sign in. Passwords provided by us or chosen by You to sign in must be kept confidential. We ask You not to share a password with anyone. You may withdraw Your consent to submit any or all Personal Information. If you choose to do so, your access to the Website may be limited, and/or we might not be able to provide the services to You.

Our products, our ideas and concepts, our logo, and our Brand Name, “Inspiring Moments”, are exclusively and predominantly developed by us. We are applying for Trademarks, Watermarks and Copyright registration in the name of the Anugraha Foundation. You agree that You will not use or display any registered IPR without prior written consent from us. Any person who attempts to infringe on Intellectual Property Rights vested upon us shall face legal consequences.

It shall be Your duty to ensure that the information you provide is true, accurate and complete. We will not be held responsible for such information's authenticity, accuracy and correctness.

By opening, browsing, using this site for transactions or storing any data/information, You agree to comply with the latest revised privacy policy in effect at such time. The contents of this Privacy Policy are subject to change at any time. Therefore, You have to make sure You have access to the latest version of the Privacy policy.

If you believe that we have not adhered to the Privacy Policy, please inform us by e-mail, and we will take all reasonable efforts and steps to promptly determine and resolve the issue.