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A journey with customers to grow faster than the market.
We are hosting you; we value you as our guest! It’s our responsibility to make every important aspect of your journey a little bit better all the time.

How do we create HCX for you?

Are you engaged with things that keep you busy but do not make you any money, or even worse, lose money? When it comes to the customer place, customers feel more vulnerable, less secure and less in control than ever. They expect the brands they value digitally or physically - to deliver better, safer, secure and more seamless customer interactions at an affordable cost – to create value. We work with entrepreneurs to define, create and deliver value - based HCX that is right to the context, inspiring and modelled. Our meaningful and Healthy Customer Interface – HCI fuels growth transformation in creating a Healthy Customer Experience.

Customers do not pay us for the product or service we provide. They reward us for understanding their pain points and creating a healthy experience to overcome them. Customers value healthy experiences over the price we are quoting. Customers are willing to invest only in assets that provide a healthy experience. Customers do not value people engaged with low-yielding activities that earn them a peanut.

  • Do you know anything about your customer’s journey, from where they started and to where they are going?
  • Are you continuously engaged in creating a value - based healthy experience for your customers?
  • Are you engaged in creating high–yielding solutions for your customers?
  • Are you performing to make the customers earn their true value?
  • Are you presenting your product and services in an inspiring manner?
  • Do you need to chase your customers?
  • Are you consistently generating leads, clients, conversions and revenue?

Being busy is different from being productive. Are you productive? After all, nobody strives to be the "second-best" at something. Instead, you want to be better than every other company you're competing with and want your customers to know it, too. That's the key to keeping customers loyal and getting them to interact with your brand continuously. Your focus needs to move from doing the everyday work to creating a revenue experience for your customer and leading the ship.

The business growth is not in the product or your services; it is in how you create a healthy customer experience. HCX can be an excellent differentiator for any business. But churn occurs when a customer stops doing business with a brand, often because of a poor customer experience. At least 67% of this churn is preventable if the customer's pain points and the problem is resolved during their first interaction. That means we will retain customers and neutralise competition if we provide excellent HCX through effective HCI. We see our customers as guests at a party, and we are the hosts. It's our job daily to make important aspects of the customer experience a little bit better – at least 01% better every time.

Definition of HCX
  • Fewer problems and customer complaints.
  • More loyal customer base.
  • Customers as brand ambassadors.
  • A consistent flow of customers through reference.
  • Completely customised products and services.
  • Repeated customer orders.
  • Ease of doing business.
Definition of HCI
  • Simplicity in action.
  • Agile and Responsive actions.
  • Identify and curate elements that can make the experience unique and meaningful.
  • Customer-centric, Customer focused and Customer friendly experiences.
  • Consistency in the creation of healthy experiences.
  • To create an experience for customer use.
  • The interface should be conducive to an overall experience that is growth and learning centred.
  • To communicate brand values.
  • To make it easy on the senses.
  • To ensure error-free actions.
  • To create a flow in the content.
  • Every element should have a meaningful function.
  • To use only appropriate elements that would optimise the customer experience.
Our roadmap for HCX creation –

Understanding the role of creating a healthy customer experience. Customer study and research. Analysing HCX environment.

The degree of customer experience is improving around the world beyond boundaries. Organisational research has seen an uplift in their overall value-creating ability. It has been noticed a tremendous increase in all markets together.

Value is the differentiator in product or service choices for the majority of customers.

While customers still buy brands as per their expectations and needs, people prefer buying from and into the brands whose actions align with their values. Brands are being transformed into a value.

The majority of customers expect organisations they deal with to provide the value they cherish.

Customers are concerned about the total experience not only the economic experience.

Brands creating HCE are leading over other brands.